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Choosing Happiness - Orlando Therapist and Counselor - CBTOrlando Parent coach and Orlando women’s counselor Marion Rodrigue at Groundwork Counseling in Orlando primarily uses Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), which focuses on how thoughts contribute to your overall wellbeing and perception.

Marion believes that happiness is a way of life, a deliberate decision – she believes it’s important to cherish each and every day. She says, “It requires the ingredients of gratitude, courage, love, a sense of purpose and optimism.  When these qualities are cultivated, happiness can endure, even when life throws you curve balls.”  There is no doubt that some people endlessly chase happiness.  I’ll be happy when . . . I find a partner, loose weight, make more money, retire, and so on and so on.  These ‘happiness traps’ can lure you down a deceitful path, never allowing you to feel the many small, daily pleasures of life.  A happy life is a full life – one in which you focus on what’s important:  your relationships (with others, with yourself, and with your God), your sense of purpose, and your health.  Happiness can be cultivated by changing the way you perceive the world.  Marion believes that happiness isn’t a trouble-free life – but happiness is knowing that you always have a choice in how to respond, even when things get tough.

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GroundWork Counseling & Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
341 N Maitland Ave #330
Maitland, FL 32751


Offering virtual appointments to clients in:
All areas in Florida, Maine, Vermont, South Carolina & Montana


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