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Orlando Mindfulness Counseling
How Can Mindfulness Improve Your Mental Health?

orlando mindfulness counseling, orlando anxiety therapy, orlando anxiety therapist, mindfulness for anxiety
Orlando Depression Counselors and Orlando anxiety counselors at GroundWork Counseling in Maitland, often teach clients the skill of mindfulness. Mindfulness is about experiencing the world in the present moment and offers a person a way of freeing himself from automatic and unhealthy ways of thinking and reacting. GroundWork Counseling’s depression and anxiety counselors explain that by learning to become more mindful, a new habit is created which helps to weaken those old, automatic and unhealthy thinking habits.

Becoming more mindful is a skill that takes time to learn and like any other skill, it takes effort, patience and practice.

The central features of mindfulness include:

• Observing. The core feature of mindfulness consists of observing your experiences without judgment. The objective is to shift your attention away from the thought process to simply and kindly observing your feelings, thoughts and sensations.

• Describing. This feature of mindfulness is about noticing even the subtlest details of whatever it is you are observing, whether it is an emotion, a thought or an object. For example, you might describe an apple as green, round and smooth and you might describe an emotion as anxious or heavy.

• Participating Fully. This aspect of mindfulness asks you to engage in your experience fully, noticing all attributes of whatever activity you are doing, giving it your complete attention.

• Being Non-Judgmental.This important component of mindfulness teaches you to accept your experience without evaluating the experience or judging it to be right, wrong, good or bad. With a kind and gentle acceptance, the experience just is. This is one of the most difficult aspects of mindfulness and takes considerable practice.

Orlando Anxiety Counselors and Depression therapists describe mindfulness as the opposite of being on autopilot. With practice, mindfulness teaches us that thoughts are thoughts, not threats; feelings are feelings, not facts and sensations are sensations, not orders to do something.

At GroundWork Counseling in Orlando, therapists who work with clients who are experiencing depression and anxiety utilize mindfulness techniques with their clients so the client can learn to respond to a situation instead of automatically reacting. Mindfulness is the paradox of learning to embrace things just as they are and realizing that by accepting what is, you begin to change.

Anxiety Counseling Information 
Depression Counseling Information 
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Information 

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GroundWork Counseling & Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
341 N Maitland Ave #330
Maitland, FL 32751


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