Therapist & Counselors at GroundWork Counseling in Orlando, Florida provide insightful blogs and articles related to evidence-based therapy
Fear of Missing Out: Can "FOMO" Increase Anxiety and Depression? Orlando Therapist Weighs In For many individuals, using social media sites such as Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and so on, causes them to compare their own lives to what they are viewing on…
Signs of OCD in ildildren | Could My Child Have OCD? Have you recently noticed your child engaging in ritualistic behaviors or having a preoccupation with specific thoughts? Do you notice your child’s routines becoming time-consuming or differing from that…
When You Can’t Stop Thinking About Your Breathing | Orlando OCD Therapist Shares Information Specialized Therapy For OCD In Orlando Imagine for a moment that, for some reason, you become aware of your breathing. You begin to wonder if you’re breathing right.…
How to Say “No” & Why Its Important The ability to say no is the hallmark of healthy, assertive behavior. Passive people usually have a very difficult time saying no to the request of others. Being on the receiving end…
How To "Get Rid" Of Anxiety | Orlando Anxiety Specialist Shares Information At GroundWork Counseling in Orlando, many people come to our office looking for techniques to simply “get rid of anxiety”. Quite often, they have met with other therapists and…
How to Think Healthier | Cognitive Behavioral Therapy When we experience negative emotions such as depression and anxiety, the feelings are usually preceded by unhealthy thoughts and self-statements. Many times, there is a pattern to these thoughts and the thoughts…
Managing OCD in College Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a neurobiological disorder that affects the functioning of the brain. In fact, the parts of the brain that are affected by OCD show up on brain scans. When someone has OCD,…
Transitioning Back To School - How To Support Young Children After a long summer vacation, the transition back to school can be daunting for both parents and young children. Relatively unstructured summertime must give way to a new grade level, new teachers,…
Does Therapy Help OCD? | Effective Treatment For OCD Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a mental disorder that is characterized by unwanted thoughts and disruptive compulsive behaviors and rituals. The types of unwanted thoughts and compulsions in OCD tend to…
The Transition Into College & Eating Disorders The transition from high school to college is a celebrated milestone for many families. Students are often excited about the opportunity to have independence, make new friends, and experience life outside of the…