Therapist & Counselors at GroundWork Counseling in Orlando, Florida provide insightful blogs and articles related to evidence-based therapy
Orlando Heath Counselor Shares Helpful Insights On How Exercise Can Increase Mental Health Of course, we all know about the positive effects that exercise has on our physical health such as improvements in weight management, body composition (including muscle tone),…
Orlando Health Counselor & Nutrition Consultant Shares "Holiday Fit Tips to Stay on Track" 1. Know Your Goals. It is the holidays and it is very easy to get sidetracked with your own personal health & fitness goals. If you’re…
Stop Beating Yourself Up | Orlando Women's Therapist Shares Tips As a counselor who specializes in working with women, I am often surprised how negatively women speak about themselves, often saying things to themselves they wouldn’t dream of saying to…
When You Worry All the Time | Orlando Anxiety Counselor Discusses Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) We all worry from time to time but some people worry almost all of the time. If you are a chronic worrier, you may find…
How to Help Your Teenager Adjust to High School Orlando Teen Counselor Shares Tips It is a brand new school year and that means many young teens are just beginning their first year of high school, although this time is often…
When You Want Change In A Relationship: Orlando Marriage Therapist Shares How To Take Steps In The Right Direction When couples first get together, in the early rush of hormones and attraction we are often willing to overlook annoying habits…
How to Deal with Criticism Let’s face it - no one really enjoys being criticized, yet at some point in our lives, we all have to deal with criticism. Being able to handle all sorts of criticism maturely is an…
Becoming Resilient Through Cognitive Behavioral Therapy The shared root of anxiety and depression is a person’s perception of overestimating the risk of a situation while underestimating that they actually have the ability to cope. Anxious and depressed individuals see many…
The “Joint Account Of A Relationship” When two people are in a committed relationship with each other, there is usually the expectation of exclusivity. “I will be your everything, and you will be my everything.” In the language of romantic…
Our culture is in a state of change. As our expectations and role-definitions for both sexes are changing, men are finding that they have more choices. More than ever before, they have a wider list of acceptable traits for what…