Therapist & Counselors at GroundWork Counseling in Orlando, Florida provide insightful blogs and articles related to evidence-based therapy
Should You Stay Together for the Sake of the Children? The decision to divorce when children are involved is one of the toughest choices an individual must make. Divorce is never easy – it tends to bring out the worst…
Is 50 Shades of Grey Normalizing Abusive Relationships? Warning Signs of Unhealthy Relationships I recently read an article by psychiatrist, Meg Meeker, about the erotic romance novel and recent movie release of Fifty Shades of Grey, which is expected to earn more than…
Moving On After A Breakup Orlando Women's Counselor Shares Helpful Coping Strategies & Insights It’s a sad but true fact that at some point in life, just about everyone experiences the pain of a broken heart after the breakup of an…
Why Does My Teen Cut? More and more teens, particularly girls, are cutting or otherwise harming themselves and understandably, this behavior is very frightening and concerning to most parents. Teens might talk about their self-harming behavior with peers, but often…
Tending To Your Relationship Garden This Valentines Day If you have been in a mall or drugstore, you have been reminded that Valentine’s Day is just around the corner. Go ahead, look at the array of the array of red, flowered…
Orlando Premarital Couples Counseling for Same Sex Couples GroundWork Counseling is proud to offer premarital counseling and couples counseling to same sex couples. Recent historic changes in the Florida State marital law now allows same-sex couples, who before could only dream about…
Insurance Coverage for Counseling & Therapy Services How Private Pay Can Benefit Clients When a person considers going to therapy, many people, understandably aim to find the most economical approach possible. For many individuals, this means utilizing their insurance benefits.…
Part 1: Sleep And Your Health As we embark on a new year many of us commit to making improvements in our lives - better health, better eating habits, better care of ourselves. An area that many individuals overlook is simple…
Performance Anxiety and Stage Fright in Orlando Can Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) Help You? Performance anxiety is most commonly experienced as fear of public speaking, is a very common phobia and it is estimated that it affects over 75% of…
Orlando teen anxiety counselors and therapists explain that anxiety and worry are something that most teenagers experience at some point in their life. As teens mature and grow, they begin to learn that life is not always predictable and that difficulties,…