Therapist & Counselors at GroundWork Counseling in Orlando, Florida provide insightful blogs and articles related to evidence-based therapy
Woman And Anxiety - Why Are Women More Anxious? Orlando psychologists and therapists specializing in anxiety disorders note that 40 million adults in the United States, age 18 and older, are affected by an anxiety disorder and that children of…
Increasing Your Self Esteem Are You Accepting Yourself Unconditionally? Orlando counselors report that feelings of low self-esteem can greatly contribute to anxiety and depression. Counselors at GroundWork Counseling in Maitland believe that healthy self-acceptance is essential to mental health. Self-esteem…
Orlando Mindfulness Counseling How Can Mindfulness Improve Your Mental Health? Orlando Depression Counselors and Orlando anxiety counselors at GroundWork Counseling in Maitland, often teach clients the skill of mindfulness. Mindfulness is about experiencing the world in the present moment and…
Orlando Phobia and Anxiety Therapy What is Specific Phobia and How Can Therapy Help? Orlando anxiety counselors in Maitland state that specific phobia consist of a group of anxiety symptoms that are brought on by a fear of a particular situation,…
Can You Benefit From Depression Therapy? Orlando Depression Counselors report that many people with depression never get the help they need even though their symptoms of depression greatly impairs their daily functioning. At GroundWork Counseling, depression counselors in Orlando state…
How Assertiveness Can Help Your Relationships -Becoming More Assertive Orlando Counselors and therapist at GroundWork Counseling can help you to change patterns of communication that will help you to become more assertive and self-assured. Relationships. A constant balancing act. All…
GroundWork Counseling Orlando - Psychologists state that whether in business, politics or sports, that most major successes can be attributed to a team effort rather than individual efforts, and we agree! Soccer remains the most popular sport in the world…
Is Work Intruding On Your Home Life? Orlando Family Therapist Shares Insights & Suggestions Orlando Family Therapists at GroundWork Counseling in Orlando, find that clients struggle with balance in our home and work life, and know how importance balance can be.…
The 5 Stages of Grief and Loss - Orlando Grief Counselor Shares Insights Grief counselors at GroundWork Counseling in Orlando express that to experience the death of a loved one is to experience the pain and suffering of grief. Death…
Orlando Anxiety Therapy | Are You Anxiety Prone? Orlando Anxiety Counselors and therapists at GroundWork Counseling, have found that anxious individuals tend to have certain personality traits in common, this is also evidence supported by psychologists research. Some of these…