Therapist & Counselors at GroundWork Counseling in Orlando, Florida provide insightful blogs and articles related to evidence-based therapy
Feeling Sick? Try Natural Help for Cold and Flu Season!I left the GroundWork Counseling offices yesterday feeling quite unwell. I rarely get sick, but this day, my body and head ached, my lungs felt congested and I had the chills. …
In many families, the majority of holiday preparations (the decorating! the shopping! the wrapping! the cooking!) are still primarily carried out by women. Adding to the demands of the holidays are countless family dramas, overspending and overeating, those obligatory parties…
“Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.” -Viktor E. Frankl Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) teaches us that…
Orlando Parent coach and Orlando women’s counselor Marion Rodrigue at Groundwork Counseling in Orlando primarily uses Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), which focuses on how thoughts contribute to your overall wellbeing and perception. Marion believes that happiness is a way of life,…
Play therapy is a process that allows a child to use play to work through thoughts and feelings and learn to cope with them without having to verbalize. Children often lack the ability to formulate words for their thoughts and…
What Is Art Therapy? Art Therapy is a psychotherapy process utilizing a variety of art media including crayons, paint, markers, play dough, glitter, clay, collage, and many other materials to help children and others heal from psychological difficulties they may…