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Therapist & Counselors at GroundWork Counseling in Orlando, Florida provide insightful blogs and articles related to evidence-based therapy

The Intersection of Depression and OCD

Understanding the Intersection of Depression and OCD Depression and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) are both challenging conditions that can significantly impact an individual's life. When they occur together, as they often do, they can form a complex mental health issue that…

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Fears About Going To Hell & OCD

Am I Going to Heaven? Navigating Through Scrupulosity OCD Scrupulosity OCD, a subtype of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder where religious and moral matters become the focus of relentless obsessions, can leave sufferers grappling with intense fear and doubt about their spiritual standing.…

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A CBT Guide to Panic Attacks

CBT GUIDE TO PANIC ATTACKS: FINDING YOUR CALM IN TIMES OF CRISIS Living with panic attacks can feel like being marooned in the stormiest of seas without a compass. The waves of panic can seemingly come out of nowhere, and…

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