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CBIT in Orlando For Tics & Tourette Syndrome (TS)

At GroundWork we are proud to offer CBIT in Orlando for adult and children (ages 9+).
CBIT (Cognitive Behavioral Intervention for Tics) is an evidence-based approach to treating tics and Tourette Syndrome. It uses a combination of cognitive therapy (CBT) and behavior modification techniques to help individuals understand the triggers that cause their tic symptoms, develop strategies to control them, and reduce stress levels. In contrast to medications, CBIT does not rely on pharmaceuticals to reduce or eliminate tic symptoms, which are often minimally effective. Rather, CBIT focuses on teaching patients skills that empower them to manage their own symptoms through skills that are practiced in therapy, then at home.

Studies have shown that CBIT can significantly reduce tic severity within a few months of starting therapy. In addition, CBIT principles have been found to be effective in managing comorbid conditions that commonly accompany tics and Tourette Syndrome. The CDC recently called CBIT “the behavioral treatment for tics that works!”

Common types of Simple Tics Treated with CBIT

  • Eye blinking
  • Throat clearing or coughing
  • Head jerking
  • Grunting or squeaking
  • Excessive shrugging
  • Face or nose scrunching

Common types of Complex Tics Treated with CBIT

  • Repeating words and phrases
  • Yelling
  • Mimicking movements or sounds
  • Smelling objects
  • Involuntary swearing

Types of Tic Disorders

  • Provisional Tic Disorder or Transient Tic Disorder – A tic disorder present for under one year; this is the most common type of tic disorder. Tics in this condition tend to wax and wane, and some may even disappear for months at a time.
  • Chronic Tic Disorder – Tic disorder present for more than one year; tics are usually more constant than Provisional Tic Disorder.
  • Tourette Syndrome (TS) – Tic disorder that persists for more than one year and is characterized by both motor and vocal tics. TS may also include behavioral issues / co-occuring disorders such as ADHD and OCD. Tics in TS do not tend to wax and wane like Provisional Tic Disorder.

Common Co-Occuring Disorders / Potential Alternatives

  • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) – On occasion OCD can “look like” Tics / Tourette Syndrome but can function differently; it is important to seek evaluation with an OCD or Tic specialist to determine a correct diagnosis, as treatment for OCD and TS/TICS are different.
  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) – Tics and ADHD can co-occur, however treatment is different for each condition. It is important to determine a accurate diagnosis in order to provide the most effective treatment.
  • Other Tic Disorders – Tics can also be caused by other neurological disorders, such as Fragile X Syndrome. Tics can also appear in individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders. It is important to seek evaluation and diagnosis with a Tic or Neuropsychiatric specialist to determine the best treatment course.

Orlando Therapy for Tics and Tourettes with CBIT

GroundWork Counseling in Orlando is proud to offer evidence-based CBIT for both children and adults. We offer both in-person and virtual visits for CBIT therapy. By teaching evidence-based skills for symptom management through CBIT interventions, our clinicians help patients improve their quality of life and reduce the burden of living with chronic tic disorder symptoms. Additionally, evidence suggests that CBIT may also provide long-term benefits to individuals with Tics and Tourette Syndrome beyond reduction of immediate symptoms.

If you or your child is struggling with Tics or Tourettes, please contact GroundWork Counseling in Orlando today. We look forward to helping you or your loved one on the journey towards improved wellbeing and a better quality of life. We offer both in-office visits in Orlando, and virtual CBIT & HRT therapy for adults and children residing in Florida.




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