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Our Therapists & Team

GroundWork is proud to provide evidence-based therapy including CBT, ERP, DBT, HRT & CBIT; our team of clinicians truly specialize in their field and are committed to providing the highest quality, effective care.
Please Click The Therapists Photo For A Full Bio

Marion Rodrigue, LMHC - OCD Therapist

Marion Plessner Rodrigue, MS, LMHC, LCPC, NCC

Certified CBT Therapist & Diplomate of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
BTTI Trained ERP Therapist

Adult OCD Therapist | CBT & ERP Therapist
Specializations: Adult OCD (all subtypes)

Courtney Hubscher - Pediatric Orlando Therapist For OCD And PANDAS / PANS

Courtney Rodrigue Hubscher, MS, LMHC, LCPC, NCC

Certified CBT Therapist & Diplomate of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
BTTI Trained ERP Therapist

Pediatric OCD Therapist | CBT & ERP Therapist
Specializations: Pediatric OCD (all subtypes), PANS/PANDAS, Emetophobia

Barbara Whelan Siebel CBT & DBT Therapist Headshot

Barbara Whelan-Siebel, MSW, LCSW

Adult CBT Therapist

Specializations: Anxiety, Panic, Phobias, Insomnia, Chronic Pain, Tinnitus

Cyndy Petralia Child Therapist At GroundWork Headshot Image

Cyndy Petralia, M.Ed/Ed.S, LMHC

Child & Adolescent CBT Therapist
Child & Adult CBIT and HRT Therapist – Certified HRT Therapist

Specializations: Anxiety, Panic, Phobias, Selective Mutism, ASD, BFRBs, Tics

Kristen Rowell Adult OCD Therapist Headshot

Kristen Schroder Rowell, MS, LCPC, NCC, TPMC

Adult & Adolescent CBT & ERP Therapist
Adult & Adolescent HRT Therapist – Certified HRT Therapist

Specializations: OCD, Anxiety, BDD, BFRBs

McKenna Davis Child & Teen OCD Therapist

McKenna Davis, MS, LMHC, NCC

Child & Adolescent CBT & ERP Therapist

Specializations: Pediatric OCD, PANS / PANDAS, Phobias, Anxiety

Katie Dunbar Adult ERP And CBT Therapist For OCD At GroundWork Headshot

Katie Dunbar, MA, NCC

Adult & Child Therapist | CBT & ERP Therapist
Adult & Child HRT Therapist – Certified HRT Therapist

Specializations: OCD, Anxiety, Panic, Depression, BFRBs

Nicole Leacock Headshot - Child Therapist At GroundWork CBT Orlando

Nicole Leacock, MSW

Child & Adolescent Therapist

Specializations: Emotional Disregulation, Parent Training, Anxiety, Social Skills, ASD

Sarah Matthew CBT Therapist At GroundWork For Anxiety Headshot

Sarah Matthew, MSW

Adult & Adolescent CBT Therapist

Specializations: Anxiety, Depression, Emotional Regulation, Trauma

Nina Eberly Therapist For OCD Headshot Image

Nina Eberly, MSW, LCSW, TPSW

Adult & Child Therapist | CBT & ERP Therapist

Specializations: OCD, BDD, Phobias, Anxiety, Tics & Tourettes

Kaitlin Chiappa Receptionist At GroundWork In Orlando

Kaitlin Chiappa

Scheduling Coordinator & Administrative Assistant

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