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Counseling for When You’re Feeling “Stuck”

At GroundWork Counseling in Orlando we often work with individuals who seek counseling services because they are feeling stuck.

feeling stuck At some point in our lives, all of us feel like we’re stuck in neutral, unable to move toward our goals. From a Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) perspective, counseling can help us to gain a new outlook on where we are in life by identifying unhelpful thought patterns and beliefs, assessing specific life goals and taking steps toward making positive changes.

So, how can counseling help?

Counseling can help you to take charge. Counseling begins with a thorough evaluation and assessment, after which a treatment plan is created that defines the goals of counseling and the strategies for achieving these goals. Your counselor will request your active participation and share with you the latest research on how to best achieve your goals.

Counseling can help you to learn new tools. Counseling focuses on teaching you new ways of thinking and behavioral strategies to replace your old, ineffective patters. The goal of CBT counseling is to give you control over upsetting feelings, unhelpful thoughts and disruptive behaviors.

Counseling can help you to practice new skills. Your counselor will coach and guide you and give you assignments for practice sessions between sessions so that you can apply the new skills and insights you have learned in the counseling sessions. This will give you an opportunity to use what you learned in the counseling sessions in real life.

Counseling can help you to stay well. By reviewing what you learned in your counseling sessions, counseling can help you to stay well long after your counseling sessions have ended.


At GroundWork Counseling in Orlando, counseling sessions are conducted in an atmosphere of compassion and support. Counseling sessions focus on teaching you cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) skills so you can become unstuck and reach your goals. With guidance and encouragement from your counselor, you can maintain your new skills and adapt them to the new challenges you will face in life and stay on track long after therapy has ended.




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GroundWork Counseling & Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
341 N Maitland Ave #330
Maitland, FL 32751


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All areas in Florida, Maine, Vermont, South Carolina & Montana


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